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from The Nature Book

Los Angeles Review of Books, 2020

The Nature Book (forthcoming from Coffee House Press) is a novel that collages nature descriptions from 300 other novels into a single, seamless text. This is an excerpt from Part I, “The Four Seasons." Learn more about The Nature Book on my site here.


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Header Image: Kota Ezawa, Still from “City of Nature” (2010), video, 3’55”. Courtesy of the artist.

First Impressions
Airport Novella

First Thought Worst Thought: Collected Books 2011-2014

Gauss PDF, 2015

First Thought Worst Thought is a digital and print archive of the 40 books I wrote in four years. A number of these books are "night novels," or fiction works that I composed in one night. Some of them were written as part of NaNoWriNiMo, my  improvement on the popular write-a-novel-in-a-month contest.


Collection homepage on Gauss PDF

Guide Book, with introductions to each book


Links to Night Novels:

The Idiot (2014)

IN ITIBIIGRIPHI by Igir Strivinski (2014)

Haircut (2012)

To the Left and Right of the Lighthouse (2012)

On the Road Not Taken (2012)

ZIGZAG (2012)

The Happy End of the Happy End of Franz Kafka's Amerika (2012)

Lorem Ipsum by Lorem Ipsum (2012)

ASAP'S Fables by ASAP (2012)

Portrait of the Artist as an Unborn Child Star (2012)

In the Time of the Leaves (2012)

waiting for godog (2012)

anemone (2011)

FTWT Fiction

Airport Novella

Troll Thread, 2017

Airport Novella is a literary supercut of four gestures that I found to be ubiquitous in popular fiction—nodding, shrugging, odd looks, and gasps—and collects them into four chapters, one for each gesture.






The Believer



Climactic Literature

Electric Literature, 2020

If you read almost any pre-WWI novel, you’ll find liberal use of the word “ejaculated” in moments of intense dialogue. Authors often used the term to denote an exclamation; in the words of the OED, to ejaculate can mean “to utter suddenly.” This literary supercut repurposes these sudden utterances from 35 novels including The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Anne of Green Gables, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and Riders of the Purple Sage.


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First Impressions

BOMB Magazine, 2018

"First Impressions” is a short story that collages first sentences from 268 short stories published in The New Yorker over 20 years, from 1997 to 2017.


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Mental Floss




Loose Ends

WIRED Magazine, 2020

“Loose Ends” is a literary supercut composed entirely of last lines from 137 science fiction and fantasy books.


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WIRED Facebook Live Interview






Header Image: Elena Lacey. Courtesy of the artist.

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